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Inicis offers ¡®INIpay-TX¡¯, based on the PKI technology-applied digital certificate that allows for safe and convenient electronic payment services.

Service Summary
INIpay¡¯s TX (Transaction Server) uses PKI technology, the most secure technology available, and is capable of various transaction services, including real-time electronic payment on internet shopping malls as well as internet billing, and B2B transactions. At present INIpay offers services to 6,000 merchants, and is recognized for its safety and convenience. To the consumer, INIpay¡¯s e-Payment Gateway service offers safety and convenience, and to businesses it provides the most cost-effective e-business environment. (Plug in method).

Service Features
-An electronic payment service with the most advanced security features
 application of the world¡¯s safest PKI security method (symmetry key: SEED 128  bit, public key: RSA1024bit) that supports electronic signatures and prevents  repudiation and the manipulation of encrypted data at the source

-An electronic payment service that offers the greatest convenience and the  most scalability.
 A) Compatible connectivity with other platforms: Application to a wide variety
     of systems
 B) Use of an independent plug-in for data encryption, no additional security      devices needed.
 C) Convenient maintenance of shopping mall through a total back office      system relating to electronic payment.
 D) Provision of various payment interfaces, including electronic wallets and      Formpay methods.

-The electronic payment service with the largest variety of payment methods  covers the majority of domestic payment means
 credit cards, virtual cards, preferred customer card, and account transfer

Configuration of INIpay¡¯s e-Payment Gateway Service